

Visitor No.

Annual Fort Macaulay Day

The 9th Annual FORT MACAULAY DAY will be held at Macaulay Point Park on
Saturday, May 25, 2024, 9:30 am to 2:30 pm.

Hope to see you there!



by Jack Bates

PART 2 — 1887 to 1893


March 2, 1887 (1)


Twenty-Six Large Guns and a Line of Forts
Will be Erected for the Purpose of Defending the Naval Station
at Esquimalt and Victoria From Foreign Attack

It is now definitely announced that the guns for the defence of Victoria and Esquimalt will be twenty-six in number and of large caliber. They will be distributed along the coast and will command full sweep of the straits. At Signal Hill, Esquimalt, will be a fort containing three heavy guns. Near Fisgard Lighthouse, Esquimalt Harbour, on land owned by Henry Saunders, another fort will be placed. On Sangster’s Plains a large fort will be erected. On McCauley’s Point two forts will be placed. Here it is also proposed to erect the barracks, and eight or ten acres of land will be secured for this object. It is also thought some portion of Mount Douglas will be utilized. Engineers are now surveying a four-mile radius around Esquimalt and Victoria for military purposes. It will thus be seen that it is the intention of the Imperial authorities to amply secure the protection of their Pacific naval station and the entrance to the straits from any attack that may in the future be mad on them.

May 10, 1887 (2)


It was stated in our “Dominion News” last week, says the Canadian Gazette, that the Militia Department will ask the Canadian Parliament at the coming session to vote $75,000 for the purpose of equipping “D” Company Infantry School Corps and “C” Battery at Victoria, British Columbia. The following are some details of the two schools: - The Infantry school at London at the date of organization will consist of one hundred men, exclusive of officers. Barracks for its accommodation are now in course of construction at London, and they will be ready for occupation during the coming summer, when recruiting will likely be commenced. Although the strength of the permanent corps of the Dominion is limited to one thousand men, the department will ultimately form nine schools in all, and by locating them afford the best opportunities for acquiring a military education that has ever been obtainable in Canada.

“C” Battery, to be organized this year, with headquarters at Victoria, British Columbia, will be devoted to garrison purposes. Barracks will be erected at Esquimalt, where the celebrated dry dock is located, and where the British naval squadron in the Northern Pacific call for coal. The proposed action of the government in organizing a battery in British Columbia is regarded as a wise one. The danger from a sudden descent on the part of Russia in the event of a war with England would be minimized, and it would afford Canadians on the Pacific Coast a greater sense of security. One permanent corps of the Dominion has performed good work since the date of the organization of “A” and “B” Batteries in 1871. Since then, various schools have been attended by 4,031 persons, certificates having been issued to 1,964 officers and men. The attendance is increasing yearly, and applications for admission have to be made months ahead.

June 9, 1887 (1)

“C” Battery organizational article.

June 12, 1887 (1)

“C” Battery organizational article.

June 12, 1887 (2)


In the Senate last week Hon. Mr. Abbott laid on the table copies of the correspondence between the Imperial and Dominion Governments on the subject of the defences of British Columbia. The principal letter is one from the War Office dated November last, stating that a party of Royal Engineers was then at Esquimalt surveying sites for the proposed defence works, covering the whole district within four miles of Signal Hill, and asking if the government of Canada will contribute $1,500 towards the expense. Nothing later than this appears among the papers. “C” Battery came in for considerable criticism in the house and there was a lot of good naturred chaff from Mr. Casey. Mr. Baker strongly urged the government to at once go with the organization of the battery and, as will be seen by the full report of the discussion which appears in another column, he got satisfactory assurance.


On the vote for drill sheds Mr. Shakespeare made the following observations: I beg to draw the attention of the Hon. Minister to the unsatisfactory condition of the drill shed in Victoria. It is more like a barn than anything else; and I am satisfied if the same regard is paid to the militia force at Victoria as is paid to the militia force in other parts of the Dominion, the militia force at Victoria will very soon increase in number. The population of that Province, I am happy to say, has increased in the last three or four years very much, and there will be no difficulty getting an increase to the military force of that Province when due regard is paid to their comfort and the necessary equipment.

Mr. Baker said on the same subject: I wish to add to the remarks of my hon. Colleague that it is highly desirable that the minister should take into consideration in the near future the desirability of building a new drill shed in Victoria, and this being her Majesty’s Jubilee year, I hope this $10,000 is for Victoria.

June 12, 1887 (4)


The manoeuvres of attack and defence by the naval brigade and city volunteers at Macauley’s Point yesterday afternoon were viewed by a large number of spectators. The volunteers, commanded by Lieut. Col. Wolfenden, were conveyed to the point in boats kindly furnished by Admiral Sir Michael Culme-Seymour, and arrived on the field just as the naval brigade, under command of Capt. Simpson, marched in. The brigade, including the volunteers, were formed up in line, and after the general salute formed quarter columns and marched past, after which line was again formed and a feu de joie fired. The force was then divided into parties of attack and defence. The manoeuvres were gone through a first time for the benefit of the Colonial troops, and a second time with the latter on the left of the fighting line. The evolutions were performed by the naval brigade with that machine-like precision so characteristic of all their drills. The volunteers did very well, considering their limited chance for gaining experience, and although unfortunate blunders were made they were not the fault of the men.

June 14, 1887 (3)

Col. Gray, of the Toronto Field Battery, will probably be appointed to command “C” Battery in British Columbia.

June 17, 1887 (4)


To the Editor: - Permit me briefly to say that I think you are under a misapprehension regarding the rumored intention of the Government to appoint Lieut. Col. Gray, T.F.B., to the position of commandant of “C” Battery.

I have no official information whatever on the subject, but my impression is that the position sought by that gentleman is that of Major, commanding the Battery. This formed solely from what has appeared in the papers.

Under ordinary circumstances this appointment should be given to the senior subaltern officer of the Regiment, who is Captain Peters, now stationed in Quebec, and I shall feel much regret should he be passed over. This officer has served with the Regiment for the last thirteen years, and was mentioned in dispatches by the General commanding for distinguished service in the Northwest campaign of 1885.

Permit me to thank you for the very kind and complementary way in which you refer to my services since I have been stationed in British Columbia, and to say that the only thing I have to regret is that I have been prevented hitherto from doing what I had hoped to carry out shortly after my arrival here, viz., the establishment of “C” Battery, and to express my hope and my belief that I shall be permitted to carry this matter to completion before long, and before removal to another sphere of duty.

J. V. Holmes, Lt.-Col., R.C.A.
D. A. G.‘s office, 16th June, 1887.

The Colonist
July 22, 1887


Col. Holmes called to Ottawa to Assume its Formation
Royal Marine Artillery Pensioners Advertised for the Battery at Portsmouth, England.

(Special to the Colonist)

Ottawa, July 21 — Sir A. Caron, minister of Militia, expects Col. Holmes here tomorrow to take over the formation of Battery "C". In the meantime a poster to the following effect appears on the walls of Portsmouth, England.

"Wanted, pensioners of the Royal Marine Artillery for service in British Columbia, under the Canadian Government. Pensioners volunteering for service as above must have been discharged with character not inferior to good; must be unmarried; not over 40 years of age; in good health; not less than five feet six inches in height and 34 .... They will be required to pass a medical examination in England, and those selected will be conveyed to Canada free of expense, and on arrival there enlisted for a period of three years. The Canadian governments do not undertake to provide men with free passage back to England at the termination of their agreement, as it is expected they will become permanent settlers in the Dominion. Pensions of men who are accepted for this service will be paid in Canada."

Then follows the rates of pay similar to those paid "A" and "B" batteries. Applicants must present themselves to the colonel commandant, Kestrel Barracks, Portsmouth.

July 23, 1887 (1)


(From Our Own Correspondent)

Ottawa, July 22 — Col. Holmes arrived this morning and had a long interview with Sir. A. P. Caron, and received instructions to prepare a detailed report as to the buildings and land necessary for the accommodation of “C” Battery. Despatches are daily expected from England announcing the enlistment of men for the battery.

August 21, 1887 (1)

“C” Battery organizational article.

September 20, 1887 (1)


The Pension Scheme Given Up – “A” and “B” To Form The Nucleus of “C” –
Latter Retained Here Until 1893

(From Our Own Correspondent)

Ottawa, Sept. 19 — The Department of Militia has decided to proceed at once with the organization of “C” Battery. Fifty volunteers from each of the existing batteries “A” and “B” are called for to compose the nucleus of “C” Battery. All willing to serve will be re-enlisted for the full term of three years at the standard rate of pay, forty cents a day. In addition to this, however, there will be good conduct pay. The scheme to bring men from England failed, it is understood, because most of the pensioners were married men and the cost of transporting them and their families from the old country to the Pacific Coast would be very great. The department today received a large number of applications for enlistment for “C” Battery here. “A” and “B” were on the roster for changing stations next year, but “C” will be retained in British Columbia until 1893.

September 27, 1887


"A" and "B" Batteries Contribute Fifty-Five and Forty-Five Men Each to "C"
Large Number of Applicants Asked to Contribute Towards
the Support of the Mounted Police

(Special to the Colonist)

Ottawa, Sept. 26. — "A" Battery, Kingston, contributes fifty-five men for service in British Columbia; "B" Battery, Quebec, forty-five. Thirteen are married, the maximum number allowed by the department being fifteen. A large number of applications is coming in from all of the country from men anxious to enlist in "C" Battery, but the department refuses all, as it is suspected many of them merely want a free trip to the Pacific coast and will then skip over to the states.

It is rumoured that the British Columbia government will be asked to contribute towards the support of the detachment of mounted police in Kootenay District.

September 28, 1887


Orders Received to Prepare Quarters for the Men

Yesterday afternoon Lt.–Col. Holmes, acting D.A.G., received a telegram from Sir A. Caron, minister of the militia, directing him to prepare quarters for the reception of "C" Battery. The preparations will probably take two weeks, and as soon as Col. Holmes reports everything ready the battery will start for this station, and will arrive about the end of October. The order to "prepare quarters" is the first tangible command in connection with the now famous battery which has been received here, and it now seems that after four years marching and counter-marching on the part of the authorities that "C" Battery will shortly have a "local habitation" as well as a name.


Lieut’s. Ogilvie and Benson of "A" Battery
Have Received Orders to Report Here.
Organization to be at Once Proceeded with

Kingston, Sept 17. — This morning orders were received at "A" Battery asking for forty men to be supplied for service in "C" Battery, British Columbia. A similar number will be taken from "B" Battery. Fifteen married men from each corps are allowed. Volunteers were asked for by the commandant after the orders were read. It is said that the officers of "C" Battery will be Lieut. Col. Holmes in command, Captain Peters of "A" Battery, Lieutenants Ogilvie and Benson from "B" Battery.

The order that came to "B" Battery was to the effect that eight non commissioned officers and forty gunners were needed to help equip "C" Battery. They ask as volunteers men of good conduct and of more than six months in the service. Today a long list of names was sent in, and this major Wilson has forwarded to Ottawa.

Ottawa, Sept. 18. — The Department of Militia has decided to proceed at once with the organization of "C" Battery at Esquimalt, B.C. The efforts made in England to secure pensioners of the Royal Marine Artillery for the Canadian service having failed, it has been determined to call for sufficient volunteers from the existing batteries, "A" and "B", to compose the half of the "C". All those willing to serve will be re enlisted for the full term of three years at the standard rate of pay, forty cents a day. In addition to this, however, there will be the good conduct pay, and as an extra inducement to the men to go to British Columbia a bonus of ten cents a day will be paid on the expiration of the three years service, about $110. This it is thought will be a guarantee against desertion. The scheme to bring men from England failed, it is understood, because most of the pensioners were married men, and the cost of transporting them and their families from the old Country to the Pacific coast would have been very great.

Kingston, Sept. 18. — Lieut’s. Ogilvie and Benson, of "A" Battery, have received orders to report at "C" Battery, British Columbia. Eighty men have volunteered to go with them, and all will have gone by Thursday, October 6th.

Ottawa, Sept. 19. — Fifty men each are wanted from "A" and "B" Batteries to form the nucleus of "C". The existing batteries are at present up to their full strength, and it is thought there will be no difficulty in filing up the ranks if fifty vacancies are created in each. "A" and "B" Batteries are on the roster for a change of stations next year, but "C" will be retained at Esquimalt until 1893. A number of applications have been received at the department from men anxious to enlist for service in British Columbia.

Kingston, Sept. 20. — It is understood that Major Peters and Lieut. Rutherford of "A" Battery, and Lieut’s. Ogilvie and Benson, of "B" Battery, with forty men from each battery, will proceed shortly to British Columbia to "C" Battery.

October 1, 1887


The men of "C" Battery leave for Victoria in about three week, or sooner, if the agricultural hall is ready for them. The Canadian Pacific Railway transports them for $50 a head.

October 2, 1887


The Government’s promptness in the formation and establishment of “C” Battery once they took the idea into serious consideration was most commendable. We felt at one time that the matter was being trifled with and were obliged to so express themselves. The Minister of Militia, however, when his attention was drawn to the apparent negligence of the Government, told our Ottawa correspondent that he could inform the people of British Columbia that the Battery would bi instituted this year, and he has been as good as his word. In a few weeks we will see the men safely housed at Agricultural Hall, pending the construction of the barracks, which will be at once proceeded with. This means a great deal to Victoria, and for it our people have to thank the administration of Sir John Macdonald. Under the command of Col. Holmes, who has been waiting so long to shelter himself under his own vine and fig tree, there is no doubt that the battery will prosper. He is not only a popular but an efficient officer and we understand that his aids are excellent gentlemen and soldiers. Victoria will take a pride in “C” Battery, which it heartily welcomes.

October 14, 1887 (1)


General orders Regulating the Formation of the Battery

We give below the militia general orders, issued by Major Gen. Fred Middleton, commander of the Canadian Militia, concerning the formation, equipment and direction of "C" Battery, soon to be stationed in Agricultural hall, Victoria.

Ottawa, 6th, Oct., 1887.

General Orders (16)
No. 1     Permanent Corps

Regiment of Canadian Artillery.
"C" Battery.

Authority having issued for the organization of "C" Battery of Artillery, to be stationed in British Columbia, the 100 non commissioned officers and gunners required to form that battery will be furnished by "A" and "B" Batteries of Artillery, from men who have not less than 3 months service, and who are of good character.

The men will be re-enlisted by the commandants of the respective batteries they are leaving for three years service in "C" Battery. They will be given regimental numbers in "C" Battery from one upwards, and will thereafter cease to be designated by the numbers they now have in "A" and "B" Batteries. They will not be allowed to purchase their discharge until they have served 18 months in "C" Battery.

Not more than 15 non-commissioned officers and gunners of the total strength, are to be married men, but quarters cannot be guaranteed at present for the wives and children of any, except staff sergeants and sergeants.

The services of the men who re-enlist in "C" Battery will be considered as continuous as to issues of clothing and kits, and good conduct pay earned under existing enlistments. They will receive their daily pay to date they embark for British Columbia, from the battery they are leaving, and will thereafter be included in the pay lists of "C" Battery.

In addition to their daily and good conduct pay, a gratuity at the rate of ten cents per diem will be paid to each non commissioned officer and gunner on completion of his three years service, or on discharge if medically unfit, if the disability is contracted on service subsequent to re-enlistment in "C" Battery, or in the case of death on service to surviving wife and family.

An issue of 100 rifles, valises, mess tins and sets of accoutrements, and 40 rounds of ball ammunition per man, will be made to the Battery before leaving. The rifles will be carried on the train with the battery in arm chests.

The non commissioned officers and gunners will retain the clothing, great coats and kits which have been issued to them by the batteries they are now serving in, and will thereafter receive the periodical issues they become entitled to by regulation from the "C" Battery.

Two blankets per man will be issued for use on the sleeping car en route to British Columbia. On arrival at destination these articles will be accounted for and handed over to the Commandant for reissue for battery purposes.

Fifteen circular tents and fifteen camp kettles will be issued to the battery for use en route should an emergency arise, and to be delivered to the Superintendent of Stores at Victoria on arrival of the battery.

As horses are not required for the purpose of this battery, none are to be taken or subsisted at the public expense.

The wives and children, but not servants, of officers, non-commissioned officers and gunners will, if they proceed with the battery, have free transport from the headquarters of the batteries in which they are now serving to the station of "C" Battery in British Columbia. The officers, non-commissioned officers and gunners and their wives and children will be subsisted en route (3 meals during each 24 hours) by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company. The officer in charge will see that due provision is made by the company for the supply of meals, and of rations in cases of accident or necessary detention of the train at places en route where subsistence cannot be otherwise obtained. He will satisfy himself that the railway cars are at all times supplied with enough water for drinking and sanitary purpose, and will observe and carry out the regulations and orders in other respects relating to transport of all who are under his command.

Conveyance of Baggage and Stores

The following will apply to the officers and men of "C" Battery when ordered to proceed to Victoria, British Columbia:

The weight of personal baggage to be conveyed by officers, N.C. officers and men at the public expense, will be regulated by the following scale, and will be inclusive of the quantity carried free by railway or other conveyance. The rates for officers will be governed by the officer´s substantive rank.


Major, including furniture 1800 lbs
Lieutenant, including furniture 1000 lbs
Master Gr, (add 112 lbs if married) .336 lbs
Sergeant Major - do .336 lbs
Staff Sergeants - do .224 lbs
Sergeants - do .224 lbs
Other N.C. offr’s & men - do .56 lbs

Note. — Exclusive of the personal equipment of each soldier, including greatcoat, blankets, valise & c., which is carried free of charge with the soldier.


Quarter Master Stores, actual weight  
Hospital Stores - do  
Arm chests (to include squad bags and kit bags, Regimental store and Stationery chests per battery or company of 60 men) 1000 lbs
Add 336 lbs additional for every 10 men over 60. Officers Mess, actual weight not exceeding 1000 lbs
N.C. officers Mess - do 336 lbs

Money Allowance in lieu of Quarters

The following allowances will be issued when public accommodation is not available, to enable lodgings to be provided, and will not be admissible for persons in receipt of a consolidated rate of pay which includes provision for the hire of quarters:

Lieut. Colonel commanding $1.00 per diem
Major .75 per diem
Captain .60 per diem
Lieutenant .50 per diem

If a commanding officer in lodgings retains a room in barracks, apart from the commanding officer’s office or orderly room, appropriated as such, the rate of $1 a day will be subject to a deduction of 25 cents a day if the room retained excludes an officer from barracks.

Whenever there may be the regulated accommodation in barracks for all the officers of a corps no lodging allowance is admissible, and those married officers who in such case prefer to live out of barracks, and are permitted to do so, will do so at their own expense.

Claims, for allowance in lieu of quarters must be supported by certificates that the officer actually provided for himself with lodgings and was not and could not be accommodated in any building belonging to or hired by, the government.

Fuel and Light

The scale of issues of Fuel and Light for British Columbia will be on the basis laid down in the Regulations for Ontario.

A commuted allowance in lieu of Fuel and Light will be issued:

  1. To officers, non commissioned officers and men not receiving issues in kind on account of their living out of barracks, no public quarters being available.
  2. To officers, non commissioned officers and men, entitled to issues, but living in Government buildings outside the barracks.
  3. To married regimental officers who, with the sanction of their commanding officer, have elected to live in lodgings when there was sufficient accommodation for them in barracks, and who are consequently not entitled to draw the lodging allowance.
Rank Daily Rate
  Summer Winter Mid Winter
  Cts Cts Cts
Commandant 24 52 62
Field Officer 18 46 51
Officers in mess 10 22 27
Officers out of mess 16 38 42
Staff Sergeants 8 17 23
Sergt’s married 8 17 23

Claims for allowances for Fuel and Light must be supported by a certificate specifying that the person concerned has drawn no issue of Fuel and Light in kind during the period for which the allowance in lieu is claimed.

Fred Middleton. Maj. Gen’l.
Commanding the Militia.

October 23, 1887


The Agricultural hall Rapidly Assuming a New Appearance
To be Completed Wednesday

A representative of THE COLONIST visited the agricultural hall yesterday with a view of obtaining some information as to the changes now going forward at that place which is being fitted up for the reception of the non commissioned officers and men of Battery "C" who are to arrive here shortly. Upon reaching the buildings, it was seen that active work was going forward. The busy sound of saw and hammer as the carpenters fashioned the lumber into the shapes for use was accompanied by the check of the mason’s trowel as the work of building chimneys went on. A remarkable transformation was being made in the interior of the hall proper, as well as important changes in the outbuildings, and under Col. Holmes’ direction the place built to exhibit the fruits of husbandry and peace is rapidly assuming the look of a place of war.

A gang of ten carpenters with masons and laborers, have wrought many changes and are making the hall a most comfortable place for the men who are to shortly arrive. Around the body of the hall, on the ground floor, are numerous rooms which will be used as mess and sleeping rooms, cook house, wash rooms, etc, by the men, the middle of the hall being left open to be used as a general assembly and recreation room. Around the galleries more rooms have also been built, with accommodations for men, with separate apartments for the sergeants. A cook room is also on this landing where the sergeant’s mess will be established. A wash and bathroom are also there. In the cook rooms five large stoves are to be set up, while ten heater stoves are to be distributed about the building for the purpose of keeping it warmed during the cold weather. A large drain is being constructed to carry off all the waste water from the building, and the two inch water pipes for the supply of water are being put in.

In the outbuildings material changes have also been made, the sheds being rebuilt and fitted. One portion is to be finished as two dwellings houses, where the sergeants who have wives will live. Store and carriage houses and stables are also provided, and a canteen, as well as the usual guardroom.

Sleeping accommodations for 120 men have been provided in the main building, the bunks being made folding, so that in the day time they can be closed up, giving much more room. Should it be necessary, more bunks can be added at any time. A surgery has also been built.

The new sidewalk to the hall is being laid, and as it is six feet in width, it forms a very fine approach to the barracks, and the council are to be commended in voting for one of that width, as no doubt the barracks will form quite a point of interest to visitors.

November 2, 1887

Militia Appointments

The militia general orders announce the following officers appointed in the new "C" Battery at Victoria; Lieut. And Capt. Peters is created major and detached from "B" Battery, as also are Capt. Thomas Benson and Lieut. George H. Ogilvie from "A" Battery, all being attached to "C" Battery. Major Vidal, of "B" company, R.I.S.C. has been detached from that company of the same corps. Lieut. C.J.Q. Coursol, of "B" company, is created a captain and remains with that company.

November 3, 1887


"C" Battery will not arrive Thursday evening, as stated by the Times. The scissors editor has not given his wonted attention to the columns of The Colonist, or else he would have seen that the hitch between the militia department and the C.P.R., respecting their transport, is still unsettled.

November 4, 1887


Ottawa, Nov. 3 — Orders were issued today for the departure of "C" Battery by tomorrow night’s through train to the pacific coast. The railway company will furnish rations en route, but in order to provide for unforeseen contingencies the battery will take along a complete campaign outfit.

November 8, 1887

Reception for "C" Battery

Orders have been issued for the artillery (with their band) and the Victoria Rifle Company, to parade at 7:00 o’clock p.m., on Thursday next, for the purpose of receiving the officers and men of "C" Battery, R.C.A., on their arrival here and escorting them to the barracks. In the event of the Battery not arriving at Vancouver on time notice will be given of any change in the hour for the parade.

November 11, 1887


Arrives in Victoria at Eleven O’clock Last Night

They are Met by the Citizens and Militia and Given a Rousing Welcome

The Battery is Composed of a Fine Looking Company of
Well Drilled Young Men

Three Cheers Given and Returned
The Military, Militia and Regular, Proceed to the Barracks
A splendid Banquet Given Them
They are Delighted With Their Reception.

The long looked for "C" Battery has at last arrived, after four years waiting for the government’s promise to be fulfilled, and though they were late in arriving, the Princess Louise not reaching the wharf until 11 o’clock, they were given an enthusiastic welcome.

The Local Militia ...

under command of Lieutenant Colonel Wolfenden, and consisting of a detachment of the B.C.G.A. and the Victoria Rifles, to the number of 125, they were drawn up on the wharf, together with the military band, under Prof. Aguis. On the landing above were gathered a large crowd of Victoria’s citizens, anxious to catch the first glimpse of our standing army.

The citizen's committee, composed of His Worship Mayor Fell and D. W. Higgins, M.P.P., Couns Coughlan and Braden and Messers Thos. Russell and Chas Hayward, accompanied by K.C. Baker, M.P., Neal Shakespeare, M.P., and several members of the provincial legislature met Lieut. Col. Holmes and the officers of the battery and extended them a welcome.

While the steamer was being docked the band played suitable airs. At last the gang plank was run out, and owing to the small space on the steamer the members of the battery were ordered ashore and formed in line on the wharf facing the local militia. There was one general comment in regard to the battery’s appearance, and that was highly favourable. They are nearly all young men, of splendid physiques, and their movements were gone through in perfect time. After the order "stand at ease" had been given, Lieut.Col. Wolfenden called for ...

Three Cheers For The New Arrivals ...

which were given with great heartiness, the band playing "The Campbells are Comin". Colonel Holmes called for three cheers from his men in return, which were rousingly sounded. The line of march was then taken up, the local militia being first and then the Battery. As they passed up the wharf the assembled populace cheered them lustily. The route taken to ...

Agricultural Hall ...

the temporary barracks, was along Wharf street up to Fort, along Government to Humboldt, then via the latter to the entrance of Beacon Hill park.

When the men arrived at the barracks they were dismissed and soon afterwards were seated, taking up all the available room at the three long tables set apart for the supper.

The Supper

Was a most substantial one, the very thing for the soldiers. All imaginable kinds of fowls, meats and drinks were served, and for a long time the waiters were kept busy attending to the wants of the men. Beside each plate was placed a pretty Japanese napkin.

Mayor Fell sat at the head of the center table, and was supported by Senator Macdonald, E.C. Baker, M.P., N. Shakespeare, M.P., D.W. Higgins, M.P.P., Couns Coughlan and Braden and Messrs Thos. Russell and C. Hayward. After the viands had vanished from off the tables, the bugler the attention and ...

Mayor Fell ...

who was heartily cheered on rising said, Officers and men of "C" Battery, I as mayor of Victoria, and in the name of the citizens of this fair city, give you a hearty welcome to our midst. In the absence of the Lieut. Governor, I take upon myself to give you a welcome, not only from Victoria, but from the whole province of British Columbia. There are a number of us who have lived in Victoria for many years and we are proud of our city, and I hope you will remain living here, for the longer you remain here the prouder you will feel of it. Your stay here will, I hope, be to the advantage of our sovereign lady, Queen Victoria, who will live for ages in the minds of her loyal subjects. No sovereign equal to her has ever sat on the throne of the United Kingdom and I am certain that we all feel proud of being her subjects. Allow me to congratulate you on your safe arrival and also I must congratulate the officers on having the command of such a fine body of men. I know you will do honor to the part of the country you come from and I am certain you will also be an honor to the province in which you now are. You will be true men, honourable men, and as such you will receive the confidence and respect of LL THE Victorians. I now call upon Senator Macdonald to say a few words. The mayor’s remarks were received with enthusiastic applause at frequent intervals.

Senator Macdonald was received with loud cheering and after it had subsided he said: We expected you here some two years ago, but now that you are here I must say that your presence marks an era of in the history of our city. The government cares for the people of British Columbia, and now we feel sure that our shores are guarded by true and loyal, as well as thorough disciplined men. The Victorians must thank their representatives for your presence here. The fact of there being regular troops here will be of great use to the volunteer forces here and the mayor and the citizens will now be able to sleep in perfect security. I offer you a hearty and cordial welcome to Victoria. (Applause)

His Worship then called upon Mr. K.C. Baker, M.P., who said that he would not say as much as ample opportunity will be given to those present to hear him at other times. He joined the Mayor and Senator Macdonald in according the officers and men of "C’ Battery a hearty welcome.

Mr. N. Shakespeare, M.P., on being called upon, said he would welcome the men to this portion of Canada. Thanks were due to the minister of militia, for the presence of "C" Battery here. He congratulated the officers on the good appearance of the men. Again he welcomed the men with all heartiness.

The Mayor then proposed "Major Peters" , and after that gallant officer’s health was drank, he responded by thanking the officers and citizens for the cordial way in which they had received the officers and men of "C" Battery. Before he left for Victoria he heard that the British Columbians did not wish to have anything to do with the Eastern Canadians, but now he knew different. When they arrived at the summit of the Rockies they felt like the proverbial hen on the proverbial fence, that is, they did not know whether to stop or go on. They came on, however, and now he was very glad to say they were gratified they had come. We are few in number, but if any Victoria citizens would go down to the wharf tomorrow they would see some more. There were fifteen families coming and in the fifteen families there were thirty eight children. He rejoiced in being the happy father of four of the thirty eight. In this Italian climate that Victoria was favoured with, he hoped that his new population would soon help to increase the population. The gallant officer then said that sure the men would endeavour to perform their duty as true British soldiers and hoped that the citizens of Victoria would never have to regret that "C" Battery arrived in their city. (Applause)

Here Major Peters sat down and one of the men of "C" Battery called for three cheers for the Major, which was heartily responded to.

Col. Holmes passed a few remarks and said that he too, would like to thank the mayor and citizens of Victoria for the kind reception they had accorded "C" Battery. Comfortable quarters had been erected for the men, and he must thank the mayor and council for placing a sidewalk to the barracks. The sidewalk was six feet wide, but if this sort of thing was going to last very long the sidewalk would have to be at least twenty six feet wide. Colonel Holmes then proposed "Mayor Fell", and the mayor’s health was drunk with "a recht gude willie waught".

The mayor then rose and with a few feeling remarks called for three cheers for Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria. The entire assembly rose to their feet and with caps waving in the air gave three rousing cheers, and the band striking up the national anthem, the men joining in, made the building re echo the loyal strains. Lt. Col. Holmes then gave the order and the volunteers filed out, leaving their comrades of "C" Battery in quiet possession of their new quarters. Thus was brought to a close a reunion which is hoped will be the first of many more, and which has already caused a feeling of good fellowship to spring up between our new friends and their entertainers.

The remarks of the officers in thanking the citizens for their kind welcome were reiterated by the men who took the compliment in the same good spirit with which it was offered.

To the committee are due the thanks of the citizens for the excellent arrangements made and for their untiring endeavors to carry out the same.

Following is a complete list of the officers, non-commissioned officers and men:

Major Peters
Captain Benson
Qrt Master White
Sgt Major Mulcahy
Act Sergt Damoure
Act Corp Hanna
Act Bombd’s - O’Leary, Fisk, Callanau, Forrest, Chamand
Trumpeters - Adair, Hill
Gunners – Biron, Barnes, Chabet, Cleverly, Devlin, Dansereau, Doran, Drew, Guthereole, Gimmond, Grondin, Gardner, Heather, Hyndman, Kains, Lafrance, Lapointe, Low, Marquis, Murphy, (1st and 2nd), Marshall, McCormick, McDonald, McKelvey, McNamara, McHale, Michaud, McGregor, Oliver, Probert, Ruthven, Saunders, Wray, Foster, Allen, Grill, (1st and 2nd), Crossier, Defosses, Dorval, Ellis, Eyde, Guthron, Fost, Hunter, Harrison, Lewis, Brimstone, LaPointe, Hill, Hickford, Luney, McKenzie, Masterton, Maloney, Murray, (1st and 2nd), A.G. Sharp, Oullette, Redding, Surelife, Soper, Sampier, Short, Webber, Crosley, Hamilton, Chamberlain, Marcoux, Grant, McCullough, Roarke.

The arrangements which have been made for the accommodation of "C" Battery in Agricultural Hall are better than soldiers have generally to put up with. On the ground floor are the dining hall, sergeant’s room and four barrack rooms, each containing twenty four beds. The dining hall is very large and can seat 250 people. Last night plates were laid for 210 and then there was the half of one of the three long tables not taken up. The beds in the barrack rooms are of the usual folding pattern, that is, when they are not being used they can be folded into half the usual space they would otherwise take up. The sergeants sleep three in a room, in apartments attached to and connecting with the barrack rooms. Upstairs are the commanding officer’s office, (orderly room), the master gunner’s room, the major’s office, the officer’s mess, the wine store, the sergeant’s mess and two barrack rooms, so that altogether there is accommodation for 14 men and eighteen sergeants, although, as yet, there are only eighty six men, including sergeants, in the building. The commissioned officers will reside in private quarters in the city. Outside the hall and in the yard is the canteen where the men may purchase their drinks, tobacco, etc, without being obliged to go down town to do so.

November 12, 1887

Permanent Barracks

It is stated that the Dominion government will select a site on the Songish Indian reserve for a permanent barracks for "C" Battery.


Members of "C" Battery were seen on the streets yesterday; they were generally admired.

November 17, 1887

From Chas. Hayward, stating that the sums donated for the reception of "C" Battery had proved inadequate, and asking assistance from the council as there is a deficiency of $181.50.

Coun. Higgins moved that the sum be paid out of the revenue of the corporation; seconded by Coun. Giant and carried.

November 20, 1887 (1)


History of the Formation of “A,” “B,” and “C” Batteries of Artillery

The Present Strength of the Regiment. Brief Sketches of the Officers and
The Engagements They Have Been In

The presence of “C” Battery in Victoria naturally creates an interest in this portion of the permanent military forces of the Dominion, and a short sketch of the regiment, of which the battery forms a part, will no doubt prove interesting to readers of THE COLONIST. An enquiry has been made by a representative, and this morning the following information gleaned, is presented.

The Regiment of Canadian Artillery was formed by general order of the 10th August, 1883, under the authority of an act of parliament passed that year, authorizing the raising and maintaining by Canada of a permanent military force, and taking in “A” and “B” batteries as the nucleus. These corps were organized in 1871 for purposes which are best explained by quoting the words of the general order under which they were enrolled:

Ottawa, Oct. 20, 1871.

General Orders (x)

No. 1 – Batteries of Garrison Artillery – An appropriation having been sanctioned by Parliament for the pay, maintenance and equipment of two Batteries of Garrison Artillery, in order to provide for the care and protection of the forts, magazines, armament and warlike stores, recently, or about to be, handed over to the Dominion Government, in the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec, the formation of these Batteries is hereby authorized.

No. 2 – It is further intended that these Batteries, in addition to performing garrison duties shall serve as practical Schools of Gunnery for the training of all ranks of the militia artillery, viz: by instructing gunners and drivers, and affording officers and non-commissioned officers opportunities of joining long or short courses of instruction, as may best suit them individually.

Then follows the establishment of each battery in officers, men and horses, the batteries thus formed being designated “A”, and “B,” and being stationed at Kingston and Quebec, respectively. The total strength of the two batteries at that date was:

Officers 14
Non-commissioned officers and men 284
Horses 30

In 1883, as before stated, the act of parliament authorized another battery to be called “C,” to be raised, and by the general order of the 10th August, 1883, it was ordered to be stationed at Victoria. Our readers are generally aware of the fact that delays, which at last became monotonous, occurred in the formation of this corps, until at last this was ended by the formation of the battery by drafts from “A” and “B,” and its arrival on this station on the 10th November last.

The total strength of the regiment now is as follows:

Officers 24
Non-commissioned officers and men 405
Attached 90
Total 519

“A and “B” Batteries are provided with draft horses for one division of two field guns, each 9-pounders, R.M.L., “C” being at present intended for garrison duty solely, has none, but it is hoped that it will also be provided with them before long. Under the present system batteries change their station every five years, so that we may in the future look forward to seeing the other batteries of the regiment with us in their turn.

The older batteries of the regiment saw considerable service during the North-west campaign of 1885. That portion of “A” Battery which was under the command of Captain (now Major) Peters, experienced especially severe work, having, at its first engagement at Fish Creek, lost out of eighty men engaged, about twenty men killed and wounded. Many of the officers and men now forming “C” Battery are in possession of the medal and clasp awarded by Her Majesty for that campaign.

The following is the exact establishment in officers and men of “C” Battery:

Lt. Colonel 1
Major 1
Captain 1
Lieutenants 2
Surgeon 1
Quarter Master 1
Total 7
Master Gunner 1
Sergeant Major 1
Quartermaster Sergeant 1
Staff Sergeants 3
Sergeants 4
Corporals 4
Bombardiers 4
Acting Bombardiers 6
Trumpeters 2
Gunners 74
Total 100

Provision is made for ten officers and twenty non-commissioned officers and men to be attached from the active militia for instruction, making the total strength 137 of all ranks.

A short sketch of the officers of “C” Battery may not be out of place in an article like this, especially as we are likely to have this corps with us for several years – report says until 1893.

Lt. Col. Holmes joined “A” Battery as a senior subaltern in October 1871, having previously served as an officer in the militia since 1865. He took part in the operations during the Fenian raid of 1860 and 1870 on the Niagara frontier. He was adjutant of “A” Battery from 1872 until his promotion to the command of “C” Battery in 1882. He was promoted Lieutenant Colonel in 1883. He is a native of Upper Canada (now Ontario). In January, 1878, he obtained the prize awarded by the Dominion Artillery association for the best essay on an artillery subject.

Major Peters took part in the Red River expedition in 1873. He joined “A” Battery as subaltern in 1873 and commanded the contingent from “A” Battery during the Northwest Rebellion of 1885, being present at the action of Fish Creek, and the fighting ending with the capture of Batoche. He also accompanied Gen. Middleton in his pursuit northward after the Indian chief “Big Bear.” He was favourably mentioned in the despatches and was awarded the medal with clasp. Major Peters is a native of Upper Canada.

Captain Benson is a graduate of the Royal Military College at Kingston, which was founded in 1875. He joined the regiment in 1883. Is a native of Upper Canada.

Lieut. Ogilvie is a graduate of the Royal Military College at Kingston, and was appointed to the regiment in 1885. He served during the Northwest Rebellion of 1885, and was present at Fish Creek and batoche. Possess the medal with clasp. He is a native of Upper Canada.

Surgeon Duncan served during the Northwest rebellion of 1885, and has the medal with clasp. He was appointed to the regiment in 1887. Is a native of Ontario.

Captain White served in “B” Battery in 1872-1873 and was appointed Quartermaster in 1887. He is a native of the province of Quebec.

November 25, 1887


Arrives in Victoria Last Night and is Warmly Welcomed

Adjutant General Powell and Mr. Royal, M.P., Accompany Him
The Chief Business of His Visit
To Choose a Permanent Location for "C" Battery

Sir Adolphe Caron, Minister of Militia, arrived on the steamer Princess Louise last evening. Sir Adolphe was accompanied by Lady Caron and Miss Caron, and by Adjutant General Powell, Mr. Joe Royal, M. P. for Provencher, and Mr. Benoit, private secretary.

A detachment of "C" Battery composed of forty men under Lieut. Ogilvie was drawn up in line on the wharf. As soon as the gang plank was run out, Lieut. Col. Holmes, Major Peters, Capt. Benson, Capt. Jones, district paymaster, and Lieut. Lang, R.E., together with Senator Macdonald, E.C. Baker, M.P., Hon. J.H. Turner, Lieut. Col. Wolfenden, major Prior and several leading citizens boarded the steamer, and met Sir Adolphe on the saloon deck, where they warmly welcomed him to Victoria. Greetings over, the party proceeded on shore, and Sir Adolphe was given the customary salute by the guard of honor, which the minister gracefully acknowledged, and after which the detachment marched off to barracks.

Sir Adolphe, Lady Caron, Miss Caron and other members of the party then took carriages, and proceeded to the Driard, where they will remain during their stay.

To a representative of the Colonist Sir Adolphe said that his trip over the Canadian Pacific, and especially through the mountains of British Columbia, was one of great pleasure. It was his first visit to the coast, and he was charmed beyond measure with the grand and lovely scenery along the route. Although some delays had occurred in carrying out the promise to station a battery in Victoria, he had sent them along as an advance guard, and he would assure Victorians that they were the finest body of men in the regiment. His visit here was principally for the purpose of selecting a site for the erection of permanent barracks for "C" Battery and as soon as a location was decided upon, he would proceed immediately with the work of letting the contracts for their construction. Other departmental business would also occupy his attention as it was his desire to become acquainted with every detail of his department, and to see what progress was being made by the force in this Province.

Being asked if his visit had any connection with the proposed fortifications, Sir Adolphe said that Col. O’Brien, who visited Esquimalt last year, had handed in his report to the Imperial authorities, but the latter had not yet communicated with the Dominion Government on the subject, but when they did, his government would be in a position to proceed immediately with the works. It afforded him, he said, a great deal of pleasure to come to this Province, and he thought such visits should be more frequent among public men.

... continued in 1888 ...